How meditation changed my life

For seven years, I lived in agony and abject poverty. My life seemed unbearable as I sleepwalked through the alleys of life full of anger, frustrations, and unproductivity. Not all that I had was from a subtle choice but fate and I felt that changing life was imminent.

As years advanced along, I became aware of how hard it was to concentrate on simple tasks and maintain social relationships. Personal growth came to a standstill, and body health deteriorated my overall personal development.

Sensing the end was near, I embarked on a search for philosophy to change my life. Through meditation and, in a wild spin, my life transformed into the best one I could have ever purposed to live.

The beauty of life revealed itself as I started following my passions and living my dreams. Sensing the power I had gained with the discovery, I decided to share my experience and save a soul or two. Shalom!

A purposeful life exceeds material goods you will ever gain. When unsure on what to do with life, you end up misusing yourself. Ill behaviors and habits affect productivity of the brain, cause addiction and affect your life in general. Eventually, you lose the spark of life and settles for less than what you’re worth.

As a lesson, failure needs no excuses and success desires no explanation. By tuning into the mind, you can achieve any desire because co-creator with the universe. Until you become aware of the potential inside of you, the world reflect your blurred inner self-image. In most cases, low self-esteem affects your life and kills many dreams than failure.

Meditation creates room for rebirth. It is a subtle way to rediscover yourself, your power and reclaim your identity.

Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels

Meditation is an efficient practice to discover your strengths, interests, character and learn how to transmute the realized energy for your ultimate benefit and others.

A step at a time takes one to outstanding achievements in life. Meditation helps you understand where you currently are and focus on where you want to go. The first step is being aware of where you stand through pondering over several questions,

  1. What problems are you struggling to make right?
  2. What habit do you want to change?
  3. What causes the urgency to effect change?
  4. What limits you from achieving your desire?
  5. How can you create the bridge to where you want to go?

The key to effective evaluation comes from being honest with yourself while answering the questions. It is possible to feel little and doubt your ideas but get real with yourself no matter the urge of being lenient. Remember life is one way, don’t squander the chances of living it fully.

Now with the information at hand, planning on how to confront the issues becomes more manageable. Knowing where you are and where you want to go creates immeasurable power and call for action. Create a plan to execute and follow it throughout the process to the ultimate goal.

The meditation process requires acute concentration and frequent updates on progress less you start a regression unknowingly. Developing mind awareness from within is the best way to embark on a formulated plan. It prompts the subconscious mind, which is powerful because it receives and acts on the instructions immediately.

Success comes from a series of healthy habits. The more you engage in studying, the better you become equipped with information from diverse fields or become a specialist in your field. Daily routines help people schedule tasks and work through them one at a time. Similarly, daily meditation clears the mind, and you set off with a blast of enthusiasm and energy.

Focus and concentration are essential achievements discovered from meditation. You can manage time wisely reducing wastage, and productivity becomes the norm of the day. Within a couple of days into meditation, mainly after three weeks of practice, results become apparent with increased self-awareness and valuable energy to take action.

Meditation, in a scientific definition, is a journey

Meditation- a journey to self discovery.

Meditation is a journey to self-discovery – involving the discovery of the inner self. Being open to this fact, you can understand the character, appreciate your strongholds and work on your weaknesses.

Conflicts occur between the external and internal worlds, which consist of your spiritual and physical dimensions, as you start to learn about yourself. Typically, two reactions emerge; anger and frustration come up after realizing how ignorant you were about a situation. Secondly, self-awareness and enthusiasm are born from the realization and appreciation of the power in you and the feats of achievements possible.

The calmness of the mind has value beyond measure and creates a power worth reckoning. A calm mind is conducive to nurture positive thoughts, channeling energies to the attainment of goals.

Practicing meditation may be easier than you think. All you need is a silent place away from distractions, soothing music, and a desire to connect with your spirit.

  1. Sit down in an upright posture in the silent place,
  2. Turn on the soothing music like Zen healing sounds. Earphones would help reduce outside distractions.
  3. Engage in clearing your mind. Let all thoughts come and go until the mind moves freely.
  4. Focus on what you want out of practice, like knowing yourself or getting a solution to a particular problem. Be honest with yourself.
  5. Spend some quality time around half an hour. Increase the period as you become better.   

At first, the practice may seem futile, and you get a sense of frustration. Consider the experience crucial for self-awareness. It helps you understand the working of the mind and recognize what stimulates it to maximum capabilities.

A winning strategy involves consistency. Engage in daily practice no matter how little value you gain daily. With the collect mindset and inspiration for peace, meditation can rise you to impossible feats of conscious awareness.

Understanding yourself involves adequately knowing the good and evil, defining limits, and going beyond them. Self-awareness is one of the important achievements you will ever make in your lifetime.

The benefits brought about by meditation surpasses any quest for treasure, namely;

  • Meditation fosters mind growth from within and leads one to a great life adventure.
  • Personal growth and development occur from understanding seasons and taking action.
  • Positivity replaces negativity; failure creates a base for springing back to success
  • Self-awareness builds optimism and character of inequitable power
  • Meditation heals and regenerates brain cells.

The most significant measure of power throughout history has manifested itself in the areas of mind application. Great orators developed self-awareness of who they were and who they desired to become. Authors have written marvels in the literature that help transform the world. All great and authentic ideas originated from a clear conscious idealizing the eternal power of the mind.

Lucy, a 2014 movie starring Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson, has its concept themed around brainpower. Lucy’s brain increases its power after ingesting a chemical into her blood system. Initially, the percentage used by the brain starts from zero and rises to a hundred percent. As the power increases, she becomes more aware of her surroundings and possesses much power beyond imagination.

The energy gained by Scarlett’s brain on reaching the maximum percentage gives her the ability to disappear and transmute into a supercomputer. As noted, the brain’s power grows and can go beyond limits, raising its recipients to higher grounds of awareness and tremendous energy.

The writer of the movie poses a crucial question at the end of the film, ‘life was given to us a billion years ago, now you know what to do with it”.

One decision Can change your life


Decide to change a life through meditation by developing an understanding of the working of your mind. The benefits gained from meditation should push you further beyond the limits visible to the mortal mind. When you attain self-awareness, the purpose of this article will have been realized!

When you develop and grow the reasoning from within, a new sense of power, freedom, and positivity becomes dominant in your character. Abundance replaces scarcity, and life bears new meaning.

Meditation gives you the key to infinite power. When you develop the capability to tune into your mind, the best comes to you, and the rest is eternity.


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